Mist League 2013
Looking Back
What happened to the Mist League after its second season? This was its website, but alas is now only an edited historical record of the site.
For more nostalgic look backs at the 2013 Mist League go to: www.mmorpg.com/guild-wars-2/news/mist-league-week-3-the-endeavor-1000027955 with 2013 post by William Murphy.
Content is mostly from the site's 2013 archived pages as well as other outside sources.
(tldr: thanks everyone, scroll down for MLC details)
Last week was the 10th and final week of the first Mist League Season. It has been a long journey for us and the teams who stuck with the league. We’ve seen the league change and evolve, we’ve seen it shrink and grow, and now we see the first season come to an end.
We want to thank every team who participated, every twitch viewer, every ML mod, mmorpg.com and Anet for supporting what we all want to see grow and flourish – GW2 PvP.
For some ML teams, this is just the beginning! Soon the finalized ladder will be updated, and we’ll find out which teams ended up in the top 5 spots of each region! This is important, because these 10 teams will be invited to compete in the Mist League Season 1 Championship(MLS1C)!
Once it is clear which teams made the cut, we’ll work with them to find a suitable date for the big event(no less than 3 weeks from now). This will be an event which will reward the top teams with a title as well as cash. ML is hard at work gathering funds to fulfill its $10,000 goal, of which a good part of is already secured through ads, donations, and sponsors throughout the season. We want to hit our $10,000 mark, so we continue to search for additional sponsors.
For those interested in the format of MLC:
The event will begin by splitting the North American and European teams into two round-robin groups. Each match in these groups will be played in a first to 500 format where every team will get a chance to play every other team in their group. Once the matches within the groups are complete, the top two teams from each region will compete in a bo5(best of 5 games) playoff. When the contenders from NA and EU emerge, they will face off in a grand final in a bo5 for the ultimate prize – becoming the first ML Champion, and forever encoding their guild’s name in GW2 history.
Map to be used are as follow: Forest of Niflhel will be used for the Round-Robin. Battle of Kyhlo will be used for the playoff matches, and Legacy of the Foefire will be used for the Grand Final. We plan on continuing the tradition we’ve started, which is to use the same map for the duration of the whole match.
Also as per tradition, we reserve the right to change any of the information presented to you today. Hopefully that is one tradition we can break out of in the future, but as we grow and learn, we want to make sure we are flexible in order to deliver the best experience we can for everyone involved in this endeavor.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me in game at Ruler.1832 or through skype at slav.elenkov where I’m more accessible.
At the end of each Mist League Season the top 5 teams will be invited to participate in the Mist League Season Championship. The tournament will consist of 2 groups of 5 teams each. The teams will compete against each other in a round-robin format within these 2 groups. Each match will be played in a first to 500 format.
The two teams out of each group with the highest point total (up to 500 for each game) will move on to the Group Playoffs. Playoffs will be played in a best of 5 games format ( bo5, or first to win 3 games). Once a victorious team has emerged from each Group Playoff, they will then move on to the Final Round.
The Final Round will also be played in a best of 5 games format and will ultimately crown the winner of Mist League Season 1. The top 3 teams in the Championship will receive the bulk of the prize money in a progressive manner. Currently the target is $10,000 total prize money. Please check official Terms & Conditions regarding MLSC (Mist League Season Championship). Below
1.) A. One entry per team per week and per Championship. (Cannot register in NA and EU – must choose one.)
B. A Captain can only lead one team per season (but may participate in other teams in case of a team breakup).
2) Prize Money will be sent to the captain of each Championship Team upon completion of the tournament. They can then appropriate the winnings.
3) Captain can change the makeup of the team up until the start of each match or round.
4) Each player can only represent one team per week, and per Championship. Team members representing a team in the Championship must have played for that team for at least 2 weeks during the season.
5) Scoring during NA/EU finals and World final will be best of 5 games (or first to win 3).
6) League Points will be awarded based on performance and participation during the Season, and will be the sole determent of which team qualifies for the Championship. In case a team is not able to participate, the next team on the Season Ladder will be called and asked to take their spot.
7) In case of failure to assemble a team within 20 minutes of start time, a team will start with a 0-1 deficit, and within 30 minutes a default, which will allow the opposing team to move on in the Championship Playoffs. In case of a failure to assemble a team within 20 minutes of a Championship group match, a team will be defaulted and 500 points will be given to the opposing team.
8) We reserve the right to change our Terms & Conditions at anytime.
We're proud to announce the very first Guild Wars 2 Invitational Tournament on August 31, 2013 at PAX Prime! We're teaming up with our partner MMORPG.com to host an exciting PvP tournament where the top North American and European teams will face off in a best-three-games-out-of-five match with a cash prize pool of $10,000 on the line. To determine which teams from each territory will qualify for the Guild Wars 2 Invitational Tournament, teams of five players from Europe and North America will compete in regional qualifying tournaments hosted by MMORPG.com and Mist League.
The European regional tournament will be on July 27-28 and the North American regional will take place on August 3-4.
Both regional qualifying tournaments will have a maximum of 32 teams. The format will be five vs. five single elimination matches, and the winners of each match will be determined by the victors of two out of three games. After the qualifying tournaments are complete, the winning teams will be hosted on August 31, 2013 during PAX Prime for a competition between the two best Guild Wars 2 teams.
We're very excited to be working with both MMORPG.com and the Mist League on this tournament, and we can't wait to see the incredible competition at the regional qualifying tournaments and to host the Guild Wars 2 Invitational Tournament during PAX Prime 2013.
Registration will open next week, for players that live in Canada, United States of America, Mexico, and the European Union plus Iceland, Montenegro, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey and are 18 years of age or older, so solidify your team and watch GuildWars2.com for more information about registration, rules, and eligibility requirements.
Is it worth starting Guild Wars in 2019?
A friend of mine, Jake, posted this on Reddit several months ago. At the time he mentioned what he was planning to do, I was preoccupied searching for the best hot tubs. I wanted a luxurious hot tub for the backyard for those post-gaming relaxation sessions but didn't want to spend a bundle and couldn't easily get to a store. I wanted to check out online sites and finally ended up discovering the hot tubs from RoyalPoolsAndSpas.com. The selection was fantastic, and I finally made up my mind and ordered a spacious model with therapeutic jets. Jake was getting annoyed that my mind was elsewhere. But when he asked my opinion, I closed my laptop and we talked about what he really wanted to find out and exactly where he was going to post his query. I made the comment that if he is going to ask people on a forum dedicated to the game, I would think that the majority of replies would tell him it's worth it.
Hello! I've been playing Guild Wars 2 for about two months with some RL friends and I'm really enjoying the game. I saw that Arenanet is offering the original as a complete bundle now. One thing I really like about GW2 is the story and the all the history they put into the world.
So I'm wondering, how would Guild Wars hold up? Is it worth going back and playing for the story? I've been playing MMOs since they first came out so the graphics aren't a big deal if they're not up to modern standards. But I'm wondering about the gameplay. Is it similar to GW2 in that it's possible to walk around in the open world and come across lots of events? Is it a more traditional MMO with quests like WOW?
Mainly I'm wondering if the gameplay will be enjoyable for someone who enjoys GW2, but maybe not as much the traditional MMORPG format that EverQuest and World of Warcraft use. Also I'm wondering how well the get can be soloed.
It is totally worth getting into this game for its mechanics alone. GW1 is not a traditional MMO, but plays more like a multiplayer RPG. Everywhere except towns are instanced. Just you and your party and your builds! (Fortunately you have AI companions called Heroes introduced in the Nightfall campaign.)
There are literally thousands of build combinations you can make. The mechanics are quite deep.
If you enjoyed Path of Fire, I highly recommend rolling a character in Nightfall. The story in Nightfall is phenomenal, and the characters are great. It also introduces the "heroes" mechanic, which you will be using for 99% of your gameplay.
Hey there, I want to give you some info from someone who does play both but tends to prefer GW2 because of the movement and action focused combat. It does not feel the same. Movement feels much slower in the game in general, and you cant jump, so sometimes you find yourself running a long way to get somewhere that looks close.
But it is absolutely worth starting even today, especially if you are playing it to enjoy the story. As much as I enjoy the story in GW2, it cannot hold a candle to what the story tellers could do with the original game.
Now for some tips to help you enjoy it more: come in knowing that it is more like an over-the-shoulder diablo or torchlight than it is like GW2. Combat is not as action-focused as GW2, it is much more strategic. Like in Diablo, groups of enemies will quickly cut you down, so you have to place yourself strategically to maximize damage output and minimize the damage you take.
Leveling is a lot like the first time leveling to 80 in GW2. Dont focus on it, dont worry about it, just enjoy the ride, and only grind for levels if you feel you are far behind in power for the current area. The level cap is 20. If you start a Prophecies character (original expansion), you will naturally reach 20 closer to the end game. If you start Factions or Nightfall, you will reach 20 before you've left the tutorial area (still takes a few hours of gameplay to get there).
Build crafting is more like a card game than an MMO. Good news is skill selection here is more like GW2 than WoW, where you take pretty much every skill you can once you get it. You have limited slots (more limited than GW2) and you pick skills for a mix of damage and utility, as you need it. Dont be afraid to look up builds or ask for help, but definitely feel free to experiment and change it up as needed for whatever you need at the moment.
Questing is traditional MMO style, and in that style, it comprises a lot of background story and world building. More often than not, grabbing a quest helps expand the lore of the world and the missions you are working on than are just simply for xp. Since you dont really need all the quests to level up, you can just focus on the ones that sound fun to you.
Party up before you leave a city. The cities are the only places where it is open world with other players, otherwise all zones inhabited by mobs are instanced content. You can party up with friends, or grab AI controlled henchmen (and later heroes, who's skills and equipment you can set) to party with. Like more traditional MMOs, make sure you have a healer and damage sources.
Finally, experiment and just have fun with it! Dont be afraid to try new things, ask for help, and accept that you will die as you get adjusted to the game. The community is very friendly and willing to help new people, and they can help you find good builds for your level, good team compositions, and how to get money for decent equipment. We all sincerely welcome you to one of our favorite games and hope you enjoy it! Feel free to message me if you have any other questions!
GW1 is a far less traditional MMO to GW2. All combat zones are instanced to your party, and are balanced around the maximum party size. It is entirely soloable -while you may struggle to find other players to party up with in a 14 year old game, you can recruit NPC henchmen in any outpost, and from Nightfall onwards, get access to Heroes - fully customisable party members.
Is it worth it? God yes, even as a single player game it's sensational. There is so much content for you to chew through at your own pace, and the level of buildcraft you can dive into is ridiculous. I started playing it in 2005, and me and a mate of mine have jumped back in as of this week to uh, do the bucket list of things we've missed or bold strategies we would like to attempt. You can play through all the missions and more than get your money's worth, but the endgame is whatever you make of it - and if you feel like feeding your accomplishments back into GW2, you can unlock unique skins and titles in that game with the Hall of Monuments system.
What your really going to miss is the lack of player base that was there originally. It used to be fun to snatch a rare item and sell it for a fortune but now it’s all ran like a machine and those days of klondiking are over. Also in its Heyday I felt like playing A monk made you A bit of a celebrity and now you can hero it and go solo. It’s a great game and I’d try it but it won’t be the same experience for you as those before you.
UPDATE: Jake decided to make the investment. He was persuaded by the person who wrote:
I want to give you some info from someone who does play both but tends to prefer GW2 because of the movement and action focused combat. It does not feel the same. Movement feels much slower in the game in general, and you cant jump, so sometimes you find yourself running a long way to get somewhere that looks close.
But it is absolutely worth starting even today, especially if you are playing it to enjoy the story. As much as I enjoy the story in GW2, it cannot hold a candle to what the story tellers could do with the original game.
Now for some tips to help you enjoy it more: come in knowing that it is more like an over-the-shoulder diablo or torchlight than it is like GW2. Combat is not as action-focused as GW2, it is much more strategic. Like in Diablo, groups of enemies will quickly cut you down, so you have to place yourself strategically to maximize damage output and minimize the damage you take.
Leveling is a lot like the first time leveling to 80 in GW2. Dont focus on it, dont worry about it, just enjoy the ride, and only grind for levels if you feel you are far behind in power for the current area. The level cap is 20. If you start a Prophecies character (original expansion), you will naturally reach 20 closer to the end game. If you start Factions or Nightfall, you will reach 20 before you've left the tutorial area (still takes a few hours of gameplay to get there).
Build crafting is more like a card game than an MMO. Good news is skill selection here is more like GW2 than WoW, where you take pretty much every skill you can once you get it. You have limited slots (more limited than GW2) and you pick skills for a mix of damage and utility, as you need it. Dont be afraid to look up builds or ask for help, but definitely feel free to experiment and change it up as needed for whatever you need at the moment.
Questing is traditional MMO style, and in that style, it comprises a lot of background story and world building. More often than not, grabbing a quest helps expand the lore of the world and the missions you are working on than are just simply for xp. Since you dont really need all the quests to level up, you can just focus on the ones that sound fun to you.
Party up before you leave a city. The cities are the only places where it is open world with other players, otherwise all zones inhabited by mobs are instanced content. You can party up with friends, or grab AI controlled henchmen (and later heroes, who's skills and equipment you can set) to party with. Like more traditional MMOs, make sure you have a healer and damage sources.
Finally, experiment and just have fun with it! Dont be afraid to try new things, ask for help, and accept that you will die as you get adjusted to the game. The community is very friendly and willing to help new people, and they can help you find good builds for your level, good team compositions, and how to get money for decent equipment. We all sincerely welcome you to one of our favorite games and hope you enjoy it!
With our season coming to an end, I’m happy to announce the final standings of our ladder. Thank you so much to everyone who participated and supported the league throughout the season. Keep an eye out for updates about our season-ending event – the Mist League Season 1 Championship! Here is a quick article about that:
Without further reading, I’m happy to congratulate the teams who made it into our top 5 on our NA and EU sides and are invited to participate in the MLS1C:
North American top 5:
1. vVv Gaming[vVv]
2. Really Nice Guys[RNG]
3. Absolute Legends[AL]
4. Blacklisted[Envy]
5. Team USA[USA]
European top 5:
1. Denial eSports[DNL]
2. Doppler’s Effect[DE]
3. Nonstop Nonsense[NN]
4. Poor Commoners[PC]
5. Sealclubbers[SC]
GW2 Leaderboards
Rank | Team | Matches | Won | Lost | Points | ||
1 | vVv Gaming [[vVv]] | 12 | 11 | 1 | 262 | ||
2 | Really Nice Guys [RNG] | 18 | 10 | 7 | 249 | ||
3 | Absolute Legends [[AL]] | 17 | 13 | 3 | 247 | ||
4 | Blacklisted [Envy] | 14 | 11 | 3 | 239 | ||
5 | Team U S A [USA] | 16 | 11 | 4 | 227 | ||
6 | Last Resort [LR] | 15 | 8 | 7 | 209 | ||
7 | DropBear Death Squad [DDS] | 14 | 7 | 7 | 194 | ||
8 | Spoons and Sporks [Soup] | 12 | 8 | 4 | 187 | ||
9 | Dissentient [DIS] | 15 | 5 | 10 | 187 | ||
10 | Vampire Katana [VK] | 7 | 6 | 1 | 182 | ||
11 | Lords of the Dead [LotD] | 15 | 7 | 8 | 181 | ||
12 | The Bear Cavalry of Legend [[BEAR]] | 18 | 5 | 13 | 171 | ||
13 | Club Nrk Gaming. [NRK] | 10 | 7 | 3 | 159 | ||
14 | Brick Squad Monopoly [BS] | 15 | 5 | 10 | 149 | ||
15 | Select Few [[sF]] | 10 | 4 | 6 | 133 | ||
16 | HowToBasic [Yolo] | 6 | 5 | 1 | 132 | ||
17 | Aspiring Brotherhood [[PACT]] | 10 | 2 | 8 | 107 | ||
18 | Actively Procrastinating [LOST] | 13 | 5 | 8 | 88 | ||
19 | [] | 5 | 2 | 3 | 79 | ||
20 | We have No Creativity [FML] | 1 | 1 | 0 | 30 | ||
21 | joO Binder [joO] | 3 | 1 | 2 | 27 | ||
22 | [] | 2 | 1 | 1 | 27 | ||
23 | [] | 2 | 0 | 2 | 0 |
GUILDS 1 to 20 (of 181 guilds)
Sorry but this is only the first page.
T K R Gaming [TKR]active 2 days, 5 hours ago
Mist league Team. Will be looking for subs shortly. Roster is : Wasted, Batman, Trill, Wiz, Vuhdoo. Contact me [ Wasted Rolls You] if interested in being a sub.
Public Guild / 4 members -
Team Party Crushers [TPC]active 3 days, 14 hours ago
We’re an EU PvP team looking for experienced, talented players to join. Whisper me if you’re interested to join the team.
- Frutzofdarkness (TheFrutzinator.4209)
- Lord Puppington (nprotize.6128)
- […]Public Guild / 1 member -
BooKawky Bandits [BKB]active 3 days, 17 hours ago
all Spvp/Tpvp guild on Fort Aspenwood. We use Dolby Axon as our chat client
Public Guild / 1 member -
The Unknown [ ]active 1 week ago
Just to Play and enjoy the game
Public Guild / 1 member -
La Garde De Nuit [DarK]active 1 week ago
La Garde de Nuit est une guilde composée d’un groupe d’amis qui c’est rencontré sur Guild wars 1. Notre but est de prendre du plaisir sous tous les aspect du jeu.
Nous sommes une guilde PvX : Pvp (mcm/jcj) […]
Public Guild / 1 member -
Advanced Warfighter Gamers [AwG]active 1 week, 2 days ago
Multigaming since 2004
Public Guild / 1 member -
Select Few [[sF]]active 1 week, 2 days ago
We Wuv U! *Roar*
Public Guild / 8 members -
The Bulgarians [[BG]]active 1 week, 5 days ago
Biggest Bulgarian guild
Public Guild / 1 member -
PVP Maniacs [PvPM]active 2 weeks, 1 day ago
A new pvp team we are looking for good players for practice
wisp me DarnaX.3852
we have tsPublic Guild / 1 member -
Vampire Katana [VK]active 2 weeks, 2 days ago
Taiwan PvP Guild
Time Zone: PDT+15, GMT+8
Main Language: Chinese
Secondary Language: English
Contact: raylee.4058
Welcome To Join Us
Public Guild / 12 members -
Seraphic [TS]active 2 weeks, 3 days ago
Competitive tPvP guild pushing for top 100.
Current Roster: themightything, JoshandSarah, shazbot, Swag of a Champion
Team Seraphic has been playing since launch. The leaders themightything and Joshandsarah […]
Private Guild / 2 members -
Team U S A [USA]active 2 weeks, 3 days ago
Highly competitive GW2 team.
Roster: Blinx, Duke, Jumper, Tenderly, Fuzion
Contact: Batmang.5421 (Blinx)
Public Guild / 7 members -
More Manly Than An Asura [[MMtA]]active 2 weeks, 4 days ago
Newly formed PVP guild that is learning from eachother and working harder and harder to be the best. We are also looking for other serious skilled pvp players that are willing to join us in our compeititive journey.
Public Guild / 1 member -
Your Dumb [Dumb]active 2 weeks, 6 days ago
PvP Guild recently made; participated in Pax Tourney.
Public Guild / 5 members -
Chemically Imbalanced [CI]active 2 weeks, 6 days ago
Chemically Imbalanced is a NA Tpvp team
Public Guild / 1 member -
We have No Creativity [FML]active 3 weeks, 4 days ago
Established Gaming Team
Team Que’s: 6pm EST
Team Roster: Stunningstyles, Saizo Sol, Got Might, Demise, IAk
Public Guild / 5 members -
molarakos [frankito]active 3 weeks, 6 days ago
Public Guild / 1 member -
Fifty Shadës Of Pink [[Pink]]active 4 weeks, 1 day ago
we’re a group of five friends who’ve been playing together since early after GW2 launched. We all work so our play schedule is somewhat limited but we go all out and are very confident about our team.
Public Guild / 7 members -
Read it Backwards [BooN]active 1 month ago
PvP <3
Public Guild / 1 member -
No Life [NoLF]active 1 month ago
Nya – retiredPublic Guild / 5 members
2013 POSTS

With our season coming to an end, I’m happy to announce the final standings of our ladder. Thank you so much to everyone who participated and supported the league throughout the season. Keep an eye out for updates about our season-ending event – the Mist League Season 1 Championship! Here is a quick article about that:…..

(tldr: thanks everyone, scroll down for MLC details) Last week was the 10th and final week of the first Mist League Season. It has been a long journey for us and the teams who stuck with the league. We’ve seen the league change and evolve, we’ve seen it shrink and grow, and now we see…..

The last few matches of the season are making their way in. We are accepting late entries into next week before we update the ladders and announce the teams which will be invited to the MLC! Here are Friday’s Match Results: Vampire Katana[VK] won vs. Brick Squad Monopoly[BS] DropBear Death Squad[DDS] won vs. Lords…..

Unlike our 14 matches on Tuesday – Thursday clocked in 5. We are nearing the end of the week, and the standings are starting to finalize. Exciting times ahead for the top teams representing each continent! Here are Thursday’s Match Results: Vampire Katana[VK] won vs. Select Few[sF] Team USA[USA] won vs. Spoons and Sporks[Soup]…..
As time goes on, creativity proves to be nothing but a well with an eventual bottom. This however is not the case for the persistent teams battling(or collecting screenshots) in hopes to make a name for themselves and attend the much awaited MLS1 Championship! Here are Wednesday’s Match Results: No Life[NoLF] won vs. Icefyre[IF]…..
Tuesday’s Shocking Match Results! What “shocks” you is current pushed by voltage. Although it isn’t safe to play with electricity, here is some cool info in case your life depends on it: “With a Tesla coil, it is possible to touch the very high voltage secondary without being electrocuted because of the skin effect. The…..
The schedule for Mist League’s final week of the season is out! This week’s map: Legacy of the Foefire If you want to check out who is playing who this week, the matches are posted here: http://www.mistleague.com/upcoming-matches/?i=7 If you are a participant in the league, you can check the black bar at the top…..
Mist League Ladder Updated! http://www.mistleague.com/ladder-view/?i=7 Check and see how your team or your favorite teams are doing in the league! There were 35 matches played this week, so the standings have changed quite a bit! * If you have any questions, comments or concerns about the ladder/league please contact Ruler.1832, Skype: slav.elenkov * LR vs……
The last of the matches from Week 9 are in. Next week will be the final week of Season 1. Much is at stake in these last round of matches. Here are Friday’s Match Results: Vampire Katana[VK] won vs. Aspiring Brotherhood[PACT] Last Resort won vs. Spoons and Sporks[Soup] vVv Gaming[vVv] won vs. Last Resort[LR]…..
“Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment. Full effort is full victory.” – Mahatma Gandhi Here Are Thursday’s Match Results: No Life[NoLF] won vs. Accidently Famous[oops] Accidently Famous[oops] won vs. Icefyre[IF] DropBear Death Squad[DDS] won vs. Pure Pleasure[Pure] Brick Squad Monopoly[BS] won vs. The Bear Cavalry of Legend[BEAR] HowtoBasic[yolo] won vs……
Week 1 |
Week 2 |
Week 3 |
Week 4 |
Week 5 |
Week 6 |
Week 7 |
Week 8 |
Week 9 |
Week 10 |
Game Win Vs Equal or Higher Rank Guild |
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33 |
Game Win Vs Lower Rank Guild |
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Loss |
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Bonus |
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1 |
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2 |
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5 |
Mist league will set up 2 games per week for you to play each week. And here is a simple step by step guide on how it will happen.
Make sure your team is fully registered on the site.
Use the black navigation bar at the top of the page and view your opponents, room name, password and times in PDT and GMT. Any sharing of this password to anyone besides the participating team members is prohibited.
Turn up to game at these times if unable to make it read below.
Team leader will need to screenshot after each game of the best of 3 games. You must still submit even if you lose.
After the game has finished, go too www.mistleague.comto fill out the Match Results form. The points will count on the time of submit.
Points will be updated once a week on Saturday or Sunday.
It is your responsibility to attend the assigned matches for the week. If you know you have issues attending that match, inform your oppenent and try to schedule another time with them. If the oppenent agrees to assist you and change times they will recieve bonus points for the round. If you don’t attend the scheduled time, you will receive 0 points for the match, and with ~3 no-shows without communication your team will be removed from the ladder.
You must still submit your form in with evidence of trying to communicate and/or if team did not show up without notification; with a screen shot of the game in windows mode, and the clock on our home page.
Admin will review claim and give you a win if it is legit.
If your opponent doesn’t show up for your match: 1. Add your full team to the designated sever. 2. Run Guild Wars in window mode. 3. Screen Shot Your team along with our website clock (front page of www.mistleague.com)
Team ‘X’ Vs 2 Slots Above & 2 Slots Below
Top and Bottom teams fight 2 closest teams.
Times are Scheduled for Prime time Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday relative to each region.
Teams that can’t make it to the assigned time slot can reschedule. Example: If team ‘x’ are happy to change slot because team ‘z’ couldn’t attend. Team ‘x’ receives bonus points for that round regardless of win or loss.
Games are best of 3 on the same map, 2 times a week. (Week 1 was Forest, week 2 is Foefire etc)
Saturday (mandatory stream)- 11:00am – 1:00pm PDT / 6:00pm – 10:00pm GMT
Tuesday – 6pm – 8pm (relative to match region)
Wednesday – 6pm – 8pm(relative to match region)
Thursday – 6pm – 8pm (relative to match region)
Friday – 6pm – 8pm (relative to match region
At the end of each Mist League Season, the top 5 teams will be invited to participate in the Mist League Season Championship. The tournament will consist of 2 groups of 5 teams each. The teams will compete against each other in a round-robin format within these 2 groups. Each match will be played in a first to 500 format.
The two teams out of each group with the highest point total (up to 500 for each game) will move on to the Group Playoffs. Playoffs will be played in a best of 5 games format ( bo5, or first to win 3 games). Once a victorious team has emerged from each Group Playoff, they will then move on to the Final Round.
The Final Round will also be played in a best of 5 games format and will ultimately crown the winner of Mist League Season 1. The top 3 teams in the Championship will receive the bulk of the prize money in a progressive manner. Currently the target is $10,000 total prize money.
Team Composition
A team must consist of minimum five (5) players; these will be the main members, a team is additionally allowed to have 2 back up players.
Each player can only represent one team per week during the season as a core member. (Example, Team A has Player1 as a core member, Player1 can also sub for Team B)
With only a maximin of 2 players from any 1 team to sub for another team. (Player1 and Player2 from TeamA can sub only once for TeamB)
A sub may only play once for a team every week.
If changes are made to the weeks roster please update your guild roster.
In the event of a team, with no registered back up players, is a man short, said team can register a sub prior to the match start.
If a team has not disbanded or has not turned up to both games during that week without communication, they will be removed from the league.
If a team has been disbanded, the team is able to continue as long as there are 3 or more of the core members still playing.
You MUST keep your teams roster and team name up to date every week. If we are not up to date we can not do our jobs correctly.
During the Match
Authorized tournament staff may be present during the match but such will be announced prior.
If a player disconnects from the game, the default rule is there is no restart. It is up to all teams to accept a restart. But as it stands, a DC = No restart.
Spectators are not allowed in any mist league game, if you see a opposing team members using a spectator please screenshot and post with results.
No streaming while the mist league channel is live, you may stream your own games but you may not have commentators from your guild stream live. Youtube videos etc. are allowed.
Trash talking or abusive language is highly discouraged. Please keep a respectful demeanor
The use of any third-party software or tool that alters or in any way changes the original interface / Screenshots will result in disqualification.
Any teams who are scheduled for the stream must follow above rules as well as additional below.
Any changes to the roster must be reported to the to admins/ email at least 48 hours before the official event start.
The team captain of each team will be responsible for all of the communication between the staff and the team.
All members of participating teams must check in 30-60 minutes prior to tournament start. If a full team is not checked in at the 30 minute mark, the team may be disqualified and replaced with a back up team.
All participating teams must be at their computer and ready 15 minutes prior to match start in the game room. In the situation of a team delaying the tournament more than 10 minutes, the delaying team will be disqualified and the victory will be awarded to opposing team.
All participants and representatives from Mist League must at all times act in a most respectful manner. This includes no trash talking or abusive language. Spamming/Excessive use of in-game chat may, by admin judgment, result in a disqualification.
A team captain of each team must be available, through text or Skype during and 15 minutes prior to the match for easy communication with the Administration team.
If a player disconnect it will be up to the individual referee, through evaluation and communication with opposed team, to decide if the disconnect was done for strategic reasons or if the match must be reset. But as default a disconnect is classified as no restart.
Penalty System
Minor Points
3x For Not Attending and Assigned Match without giving notice
4x For swapping characters during a match
1-5x For exploiting known bugs or cheating, Point loss decided at Mist League Admins Discretion.
Major Points
1x Not Attending an Assigned Stream Match without giving 72 hours notice.
Penalty Accumulation Consequence
- 5 Minor Points or 1 Major Point = 1 Week Suspension
- 10 Minor Points or 2 Major Points = Permanent Ban
Important Note – If you don’t receive any Penalty Points for Two (2) weeks, your Penalty Points are reset to 0.
By participating in Mist League all participants must agree and acknowledge all rules, regulations, and conditions as well as any decision made by our referees. In addition to these rules, all players are expected to follow the Guild Wars 2 Terms of Use set forth by ArenaNet.
We reserve the right to modify the rules at any given time without notice. Additionally, we also reserve the right for official tournament admins to override any of the rules to maintain best possible competition.
Legal proceedings may not be taken against any of the Staff.
The Mist League tournament is a private tournament that you choose to participate in. Upon participation you accept all of the stated rules with no exception.